Hello! I am a student learning html, CSS, Python, and javascript. This website is part of my final project for my coding class.
On this page you will find samples of some of the games and projects I made during this school year in this course.
I learned html and CSS in the process of creating this website. I incorporated a variety of tags such as the paragraph tag,
div class tag, link tag, style tag, and ul tag. I explored how to change the font of my text in CSS, how to position
my text, how to layer text using z-index and other styling methods. In Python I learned to use functions, for and while loops,
dictionaries, arrays, boolean expressions, among other functionalities of that language. I created some programs to solve
problems from the website ProjectEuler, where there are many problems involving physics, computing, and more advanced math in certain cases.
In javascript I learned how to create my own video games and make the user interact with the objects displayed on their screen. The
games that can be found on this website were made using P5.js, the javascript IDE that I used throughout my previous javascript unit. I hope
you may enjoy the content of my website! Thank you for visiting!